




数据结构我们可以从逻辑上分为线性结构和非线性结构。线性结构有数组,栈,链表等, 非线性结构有树,图等。



  • 线性结构集合中存在仅有一个的“第一个元素”
  • 线性结构集合中存在仅有一个的“最后一个元素”
  • 只有第一个元素没有“前驱”,别的元素都有唯一的“前驱”
  • 只有最后一个元素没有“后继”,别的元素都有唯一的“后继”


1、数组 Array

In computer science, an array data structure, or simply an array, is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by at least one array index or key. An array is stored such that the position of each element can be computed from its index tuple by a mathematical formula.[1][2][3] The simplest type of data structure is a linear array, also called one-dimensional array.

引用自维基百科 Array data structure.


数组是最古老和最重要的数据结构之一,几乎每个程序都会使用它。它还被用来实现许多其他的数据结构,比如列表和字符串。数组有效地利用了计算机的寻址逻辑addressing logic of computers。在大多数现代计算机和许多外部存储设备中,内存是一个一维的word数组,其索引是它们的地址。



JavaScript 中, JSArray 继承自 JSObject ,或者说它就是一个特殊的对象,内部是以 key-value 形式存储数据,所以 JavaScript 中的数组可以存放不同类型的值。它有两种存储方式,快数组与慢数组,初始化空数组时,使用快数组,快数组使用连续的内存空间,当数组长度达到最大时,JSArray 会进行动态的扩容,以存储更多的元素,相对慢数组,性能要好得多。当数组中 hole 太多时,会转变成慢数组,即以哈希表的方式( key-value 的形式)存储数据,以节省内存空间。


  • 存储在物理结构上是连续的。数组所占用的内存空间必须是连续的,不能由两个或多个内存碎片存储。

  • 底层的数组长度是不可变的。为什么说是底层的数组?因为JavaScript这类特殊的语言,像Java、Python等语言中声明数组时必须指定数组的长度,并且指定长度之后长度不可变化,如果对超过数组长度的内存进行操作会发生数组越界异常;而JavaScript中在声明数组时可以不指定数组长度,并且可以随意操作数组(添加、删除),原因是js引擎在数组长度不够时进行了数组扩容。


  • 数组的变量指向了数组的第一个元素。比如声明一个数组arr,那么arr其实指向的是数组的第一项的内存地址,由于在内存中数组是连续的,可以通过数组的第一项来访问整个数组中的所有元素。


  • 查询性能好,在查询某个位置的元素时尤为明显,由于数组在内存地址中是连续的,并且我们通过arr[2]访问数组中的某个元素时,arr[n]其中的n其实为内存地址的偏移量,在操作系统中通过偏移量来进行查询效率是最高的。



根据下标随机访问的时间复杂度为 O(1);


时间复杂度为 O(n);


// The JSArray describes JavaScript Arrays
//  Such an array can be in one of two modes:
//    - fast, backing storage is a FixedArray and length <= elements.length();
//       Please note: push and pop can be used to grow and shrink the array.
//    - slow, backing storage is a HashTable with numbers as keys.
class JSArray: public JSObject {
  // [length]: The length property.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(length, Object)
  // ...
  // Number of element slots to pre-allocate for an empty array.
  static const int kPreallocatedArrayElements = 4;

JSArray 是继承自 JSObject 的,所以在 JavaScript 中,数组可以是一个特殊的对象,内部也是以 key-value 形式存储数据,所以 JavaScript 中的数组可以存放不同类型的值(因为对象可以保存不同类型的值)。


  • fast:存储结构是 FixedArray ,并且数组长度 <= elements.length()pushpop 时可能会伴随着动态扩容或减容
  • slow:存储结构是 HashTable(哈希表),并且数组下标作为 key

fast 模式下数组在源码里面叫 FastElements ,而 slow 模式下的叫做 SlowElements

1. 快数组(FastElements)

FixedArray 是 V8 实现的一个类似于数组的类,它表示一段连续的内存,可以使用索引直接定位。新创建的空数组默认就是快数组。当数组满(数组的长度达到数组在内存中申请的内存容量最大值)的时候,继续 push 时, JSArray 会进行动态的扩容,以存储更多的元素。

2. 慢数组(SlowElements)


// src/objects/dictionary.h
    : public HashTable<Derived, Shape> {
  using DerivedHashTable = HashTable<Derived, Shape>;

  using Key = typename Shape::Key;
  // Returns the value at entry.
  inline Object ValueAt(InternalIndex entry);
  inline Object ValueAt(const Isolate* isolate, InternalIndex entry);
  // ...

内部是一个 HashTable.

3. fast和slow互转

**①. fast => slow **

// src/objects/js-objects.h
static const uint32_t kMaxGap = 1024;

// src/objects/dictionary.h
// JSObjects prefer dictionary elements if the dictionary saves this much
// memory compared to a fast elements backing store.
static const uint32_t kPreferFastElementsSizeFactor = 3;

// src/objects/js-objects-inl.h
// If the fast-case backing storage takes up much more memory than a dictionary
// backing storage would, the object should have slow elements.
// static
static inline bool ShouldConvertToSlowElements(uint32_t used_elements,
                                               uint32_t new_capacity) {
  uint32_t size_threshold = NumberDictionary::kPreferFastElementsSizeFactor *
                            NumberDictionary::ComputeCapacity(used_elements) *
  // 快数组新容量是扩容后的容量3倍之多时,也会被转成慢数组
  return size_threshold <= new_capacity;

static inline bool ShouldConvertToSlowElements(JSObject object,
                                               uint32_t capacity,
                                               uint32_t index,
                                               uint32_t* new_capacity) {
  STATIC_ASSERT(JSObject::kMaxUncheckedOldFastElementsLength <=
  if (index < capacity) {
    *new_capacity = capacity;
    return false;
  // 当加入的索引值(例如例3中的2000)比当前容量capacity 大于等于 1024时,
  // 返回true,转为慢数组
  if (index - capacity >= JSObject::kMaxGap) return true;
  *new_capacity = JSObject::NewElementsCapacity(index + 1);
  DCHECK_LT(index, *new_capacity);
  // TODO(ulan): Check if it works with young large objects.
  if (*new_capacity <= JSObject::kMaxUncheckedOldFastElementsLength ||
      (*new_capacity <= JSObject::kMaxUncheckedFastElementsLength &&
       ObjectInYoungGeneration(object))) {
    return false;
  return ShouldConvertToSlowElements(object.GetFastElementsUsage(),


  • 当加入的索引值 index 比当前的容量 capacity 差值大于等于 1024 时(index - capacity >= 1024)
  • 快数组新容量是扩容后的容量 3 倍之多时


var arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr[2000] = 10;

当往 arr 增加一个 2000 的索引时,arr 被转成慢数组。节省了大量的内存空间(从索引为 2 到索引为 2000)。

②. slow => fast

static bool ShouldConvertToFastElements(JSObject object,
                                        NumberDictionary dictionary,
                                        uint32_t index,
                                        uint32_t* new_capacity) {
  // If properties with non-standard attributes or accessors were added, we
  // cannot go back to fast elements.
  if (dictionary.requires_slow_elements()) return false;
  // Adding a property with this index will require slow elements.
  if (index >= static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) return false;
  if (object.IsJSArray()) {
    Object length = JSArray::cast(object).length();
    if (!length.IsSmi()) return false;
    *new_capacity = static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::ToInt(length));
  } else if (object.IsJSArgumentsObject()) {
    return false;
  } else {
    *new_capacity = dictionary.max_number_key() + 1;
  *new_capacity = Max(index + 1, *new_capacity);
  uint32_t dictionary_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(dictionary.Capacity()) *
  // Turn fast if the dictionary only saves 50% space.
  return 2 * dictionary_size >= *new_capacity;

当慢数组的元素可存放在快数组中且长度在 smi 之间且仅节省了50%的空间,则会转变为快数组


默认空数组初始化大小为 4 :

// Number of element slots to pre-allocate for an empty array.
static const int kPreallocatedArrayElements = 4;

在 JavaScript 中,当数组执行 push 操作时,一旦发现数组内存不足,将进行扩容。

在 Chrome 源码中, push 的操作是用汇编实现的,在 c++ 里嵌入的汇编,以提高执行效率,并且在汇编的基础上用 c++ 封装了一层,在编译执行的时候,会将这些 c++ 代码转成汇编代码。


// js-objects.h
static const uint32_t kMinAddedElementsCapacity = 16;

// code-stub-assembler.cc
Node* CodeStubAssembler::CalculateNewElementsCapacity(Node* old_capacity,
                                                      ParameterMode mode) {
  CSA_SLOW_ASSERT(this, MatchesParameterMode(old_capacity, mode));
  Node* half_old_capacity = WordOrSmiShr(old_capacity, 1, mode);
  Node* new_capacity = IntPtrOrSmiAdd(half_old_capacity, old_capacity, mode);
  Node* padding =
      IntPtrOrSmiConstant(JSObject::kMinAddedElementsCapacity, mode);
  return IntPtrOrSmiAdd(new_capacity, padding, mode);


new_capacity = old_capacity / 2 + old_capacity + 16

即老的容量的 1.5 倍加上 16 。初始化为 4 个,当 push 第 5 个的时候,容量将会变成:

new_capacity = 4 / 2 + 4 + 16 = 22

接着申请一块这么大的内存,把老的数据拷过去,把新元素放在当前 length 位置,然后将数组的 length + 1,并返回 length。


  • push 操作时,发现数组内存不足
  • 申请 new_capacity = old_capacity /2 + old_capacity + 16 那么长度的内存空间
  • 将数组拷贝到新内存中
  • 把新元素放在当前 length 位置
  • 数组的 length + 1
  • 返回 length

整个过程,用户是无感知的,不像 C,需用用户手动申请内存空间。

当数组执行 pop 操作时,会判断 pop 后数组的容量,是否需要进行减容。

不同于数组的 push 使用汇编实现的, pop 使用 c++ 实现的。


if (2 * length <= capacity) {
  // If more than half the elements won't be used, trim the array.
  isolate->heap()->RightTrimFixedArray(*backing_store, capacity - length);
} else {
  // Otherwise, fill the unused tail with holes.
  BackingStore::cast(*backing_store)->FillWithHoles(length, old_length);

所以,当数组 pop 后,如果数组容量大于等于 length 的 2 倍,则进行容量调整,使用 RightTrimFixedArray 函数,计算出需要释放的空间大小,做好标记,等待 GC 回收;如果数组容量小于 length 的 2 倍,则用 holes 对象填充。


  • pop 操作时,获取数组 length
  • 获取 length - 1 上的元素(要删除的元素)
  • 数组 length - 1
  • 判断数组的总容量是否大于等于 length - 1 的 2 倍
  • 是的话,使用 RightTrimFixedArray 函数,计算出需要释放的空间大小,并做好标记,等待 GC 回收
  • 不是的话,用 holes 对象填充
  • 返回要删除的元素

从Chrome V8源码看JavaScript数组

探究JS V8引擎下的“数组”底层实现

从Chrome源码看JS Array的实现


In computer science, a queue is a collection of entities that are maintained in a sequence and can be modified by the addition of entities at one end of the sequence and the removal of entities from the other end of the sequence. By convention, the end of the sequence at which elements are added is called the back, tail, or rear of the queue, and the end at which elements are removed is called the head or front of the queue, analogously to the words used when people line up to wait for goods or services.

The operation of adding an element to the rear of the queue is known as enqueue, and the operation of removing an element from the front is known as dequeue. Other operations may also be allowed, often including a peek or front operation that returns the value of the next element to be dequeued without dequeuing it.

The operations of a queue make it a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure. In a FIFO data structure, the first element added to the queue will be the first one to be removed. This is equivalent to the requirement that once a new element is added, all elements that were added before have to be removed before the new element can be removed. A queue is an example of a linear data structure, or more abstractly a sequential collection. Queues are common in computer programs, where they are implemented as data structures coupled with access routines, as an abstract data structure or in object-oriented languages as classes. Common implementations are circular buffers and linked lists.

引用自维基百科 Queue (abstract data type).


在计算机科学中,一个 队列 (queue) 是一种特殊类型的抽象数据类型或集合,集合中的实体按顺序保存。


  • 向队列的后端位置添加实体,称为入队
  • 从队列的前端位置移除实体,称为出队。

队列中元素先进先出 FIFO (first in, first out) 的示意


当然,也可以把队列看做是一个单向通道,先进去的元素,必定会先出来(不考虑优先级的情况下)FIFO first-in-first-out,队列的元素从队尾进入,从队头出来。

队列可以看做是一个单向通道,先进去的元素,必定会先出来(不考虑优先级的情况下)FIFO first-in-first-out,队列的元素从队尾进入,从队头出来。


  • size(属性):队列中的元素个数

  • dataSource(属性):队列中存储元素的数组

  • enqueue(方法):向队尾添加一个元素

  • dequeue(方法):删除队头元素

  • front(方法):读取队头元素

  • back(方法):读取队尾元素

  • length(方法):返回队列元素个数

  • clear(方法):清空队列

  • empty(方法):判断队列是否为空

  • toString(方法):显示所有的队列元素


class Queue {
    constructor() {
        this.dataSource = [];
        this.size = 0;
    // enqueue:向队列尾增加元素
    enqueue(element) {
    // dequeue: 删除队头元素
    dequeue() {
        if (this.empty()) {
            return this.dataSource.shift();
    // empty: 判断是否为空队列
    empty() {
        if (this.size > 0) {
            return true;
        return false;
    // front: 返回队头元素
    front() {
        if (this.empty()) {
            return this.dataSource[0];
    // back: 返回队尾元素
    back() {
        if (this.empty()) {
            return this.dataSource[this.size - 1];
    // length: 返回队列元素总数
    length() {
        return this.size;
    // clear: 清空队列
    clear() {
        this.dataSource.length = 0;
        this.size = 0;
    // toString: 返回队列所有元素
    toString() {
        return this.dataSource;



The order in which elements come off a stack gives rise to its alternative name, LIFO (last in, first out). Additionally, a peek operation may give access to the top without modifying the stack.[1] The name "stack" for this type of structure comes from the analogy to a set of physical items stacked on top of each other. This structure makes it easy to take an item off the top of the stack, while getting to an item deeper in the stack may require taking off multiple other items first.[2]

Considered as a linear data structure, or more abstractly a sequential collection, the push and pop operations occur only at one end of the structure, referred to as the top of the stack. This data structure makes it possible to implement a stack as a singly linked list and a pointer to the top element. A stack may be implemented to have a bounded capacity. If the stack is full and does not contain enough space to accept an entity to be pushed, the stack is then considered to be in an overflow state. The pop operation removes an item from the top of the stack.

引用自维基百科 Stack (abstract data type).


在计算机科学中,一个栈 (stack) 是一种抽象数据类型,用作表示元素的集合,具有两种主要操作:

  • push, 添加元素到栈的顶端(末尾)
  • pop, 移除栈最顶端(末尾)的元素

以上两种操作可以简单概括为后进先出 (LIFO = last in, first out)

此外,应有一个 peek 操作用于访问栈当前顶端(末尾)的元素。(只返回不弹出)


栈的 push 和 pop 操作的示意图:





  • dataSource (属性):用于存储栈的元素

  • size(属性):栈内元素的个数

  • clear(方法):清除所有的栈内元素

  • push(方法):向栈内添加元素

  • pop(方法):删除当前栈顶元素

  • peek(方法):显示当前栈顶元素

  • length(方法):返回栈内元素个数


class Stack {
    constructor() {
        this.dataSource = [];
        this.size = 0;
    // clear: 清除所有元素
    clear() {
        this.dataSource.length = 0;
        this.size = 0;
    // push:添加新元素
    push(element) {
        this.dataSource[this.size++] = element;
    // pop: 删除栈顶元素
    pop() {
        if (this.size > 0) {
            return this.dataSource.splice(--this.size, 1);
        return false;
    //peek: 返回当前栈顶元素
    peek() {
        if (this.size > 0) {
            return this.dataSource[this.size -1];
    // length: 返回当前栈内元素个数
    length() {
        return this.size;


class Stack {
    constructor() {
        this.dataSource = [];
        this.size = 0;
    // clear: 清除所有元素
    clear() {
        this.dataSource.length = 0;
        this.size = 0;
    // push:添加新元素
    push(element) {
        this.dataSource[this.size++] = element;
    // pop: 删除栈顶元素
    pop() {
        if (this.size > 0) {
            return this.dataSource.splice(--this.size, 1)[0];
        return false;
    //peek: 返回当前栈顶元素
    peek() {
        if (this.size > 0) {
            return this.dataSource[this.size - 1];
    // length: 返回当前栈内元素个数
    length() {
        return this.size;

const str1 = 'aabbaa';
const str2 = 'aabbcc';
function isPalindrome(str) {
    const strArr = str.split('');
    const stack = new Stack();
    let newStr = '';
    while (strArr.length) {
        stack.push(strArr.splice(0, 1)[0]);

    while (stack.length()) {
        newStr += stack.pop();
    if (newStr === str) {
        console.log(str + ':是回文');
    else console.log(str + ':不是是回文');



In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements whose order is not given by their physical placement in memory. Instead, each element points to the next. It is a data structure consisting of a collection of nodes which together represent a sequence. In its most basic form, each node contains: data, and a reference (in other words, a link) to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows for efficient insertion or removal of elements from any position in the sequence during iteration. More complex variants add additional links, allowing more efficient insertion or removal of nodes at arbitrary positions. A drawback of linked lists is that access time is linear (and difficult to pipeline). Faster access, such as random access, is not feasible. Arrays have better cache locality compared to linked lists.

引用自维基百科 Linked list.








一般我们是通过一个叫 next 指针来遍历查找。链表其实就是一个结构体。 比如一个可能的单链表的定义可以是:

interface ListNode<T> {
  data: T;
  next: ListNode<T>;

data 是数据域,存放数据,next 是一个指向下一个节点的指针。





链表只有一个后驱节点 next,如果是双向链表还会有一个前驱节点 pre。



如果没有给定指针,我们需要先遍历找到节点,因此最坏情况下时间复杂度为 O(N)


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